NETHIPS expresses appreciation to George Tidwell, Senior Program Advisor – Office of Global Health, HRSA.
He received a plaque as recognition of his outstanding support to NETHIPS and the HIV response in Sierra Leone. He also planted a tree at the Mulunesh Tennagashaw Garden on 1st August, 2024.
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NETHIPS secured grant from World Vision International Sierra Leone for the implementation of the “Global Fund Grant Cycle – 7 on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health” in the nation of Sierra Leone by the Global Fund for three years (July 1, 2024 to June 30,
NETHIPS presents a plaque to HRSA as appreciation for their support to Recipients of Care
George Tidwell displaying the appreciation plaque received from NETHIPS NETHIPS presents a plaque to HRSA as appreciation for their support to Recipients of Care HRSA Team displays the appreciation plaque received from NETHIPS
Launching of the NETHIPS Agricultural Farm Project
NETHIPS in collaboration with Humanity & Inclusion (HI) and Visit Sierra Leone (VSL) Travel launches the NETHIPS Agricultural Farm Project
Training of NETHIPS Support Group Leaders on Differentiated Service Delivery (DSD)
. A five days training for NETHIPS Support Group Leaders on Differentiated Service Delivery (DSD) was held in the Western Area, Port Loko and Kambia. This training was supported by Jhpiego as a way of empowering Support Group Leaders on the Differentiated Service Delivery Model.